We will deliver you the same item that you have seen in the website
If you are purchasing from a reputable and trustworthy seller, you should expect to receive the same product that you see in the picture. However, there may be slight variations due to factors such as lighting, camera settings, or manufacturing variations. To reduce the risk of receiving a different product, make sure to carefully read the product description and check customer reviews and ratings. If you do receive a different product than what was advertised, contact the seller immediately to discuss your options for a return or refund.
You can get the receipt online, on the website. Rather than this you will also receive the code on your phone according to the product you have selected for you
We will generate a receipt for you and send it to you. Further you will get the receipt too when you will receive the parcel.
If you want to return the item just let us know and we will make it happen for you
Yes! we analyses our products performance and we do restoke the items has good demand.
Further if you like some specific item and it is out of stock just let us know we will arrange it for you.